GLMCC PRESS STATEMENT: Manchester Airport Incident

GLMCC is appalled at the recent incident that took place at Manchester Airport. The violent assault by Greater Manchester Police officers, with one officer in particular, have shocked and disgusted us. We welcome GMP’s decision on the suspension of the main perpetrator and its self-referral to the Independent Office for Police Conduct, however we urge the following actions:


  1. Suspension of officers who were present and failed to intervene in the assault.
  2. Formal Independent investigation to be conducted with transparency
  3. Criminal charges investigated and brought against the officer(s) involved
  4. Public accountability with the findings of the investigation and subsequent actions made clear to the public.
  5. Take teachings from well-established and trusted community relations via Police forces such as West Midlands Police, who have shown exemplary standards with the communities they serve.


We encourage our congregation to remain calm. This incident was close to us all, there has been a real sense of mistrust in the system and it is now the responsibility of GMP to act accordingly and swiftly to build back trust in the community and professionalism in the Force.


God says in the Qur’an “And not equal are the good deed and the bad. Repel [evil] by that [deed] which is better; and thereupon, the one whom between you and him is enmity [will become] as though he was a devoted friend.”


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