Confidentiality & Data Protection

Is Anyone There works within the parameters of the GLMCC Data Protection Policy and Procedures. We respect and maintain confidentiality in regards to all communication, recorded and stored data (tangible or intangible, including intellectual property) and any data in process.

We believe, due to the sensitivity of the service provision, that all persons have the right to be treated with respect and dignity. For the counselling therapy to be successful, the service users and clients must be able to disclose their thoughts and feelings with the knowledge that everything that they say will be treated with 100% confidentiality and not disclosed to any other party without prior consent.

If there is a genuine concern about the safety of the client, service user or any other person, we may need to contact a third party such as a GP or the relevant authorities.

All records of case notes are recorded. These are kept securely and confidentially with access only to authorised persons. The Client / Service User has the right to access his / her case notes. Please request access in writing, marking for the attention of the Counselling Support Services Manager.

Communication includes all written, electronic or verbal correspondence or information exchange and is subject to privacy and data protection.

  • All communication between counsellors and clients / services users must be treated confidentially.
  • All communication between staff must be treated confidentially.
  • All communication between all clients / services users must be treated confidentially.
  • All communication between GLMCC and a third party / referral organisation must be treated confidentially.

If any staff, client or service user, or third party is found to be in breach of this policy statement then he / she will be suspended from the service pending investigation. If the investigation reveals that an offence has occurred, depending on the nature of the breach, civil or criminal proceedings may ensue.

Information will be recorded and stored on the Counselling Database System which is only accessible by authorised personnel. If any unauthorised person attempts to access the Counselling DBS, he / she will be suspended from the service pending investigation. If the investigation reveals that an offence has occurred, depending on the nature of the breach, civil or criminal proceedings may ensue.

If any information pertaining to criminal activity; planned, current or historical, is disclosed by any member of staff, client or service user, then this will be forwarded on to the Support Services Manager who will notify the relevant authorities immediately.

GLMCC operates within the framework of the UK legal system and will not support any illicit activity.

This confidentiality statement is applicable to all staff, clients and service users and must be adhered to at all times.