
The Green Lane Masjid Funeral Service (GLMFS) provides an obligatory service to the Muslims of our community. Death is a reality that we all must face. GLMFS was initially setup to provide burial advice and support. The expanding congregation and therefore demand led to Green Lane Masjid & Community Centre (GLMCC) providing a full five-star rated* funeral service in accordance with authentic guidelines stipulated under Shariah.

Furthermore, GLMFS now provides even more support and guidance on:

  • How to arrange a funeral
  • What to do when somebody passes away
  • Who to contact
  • Ghusl and Shroud workshops
  • Training to become a Ghusl and Shroud Facilitator
  • Bereavement Counselling
  • Funeral Guidance Literature

Why Us?

Adherence to Quran and Sunnah

Every human being brought to life in this world by the Creator will return to their Creator. The deceased is dependent upon fellow Muslims from the time of death to deliver the correct funeral rites according to the Quran and Sunnah. There is a great reward to whosoever offers this service and is recognised as a community obligation (when it is fulfilled by one, the rest of the group are excused and if performed in an incorrect manner they will be accountable to Allah). Unfortunately, for many years, Muslims have been unaware of the correct Islamic funeral process and appear to implement innovated practices. At GLMFS, we ensure that the funeral rites are performed in accordance with the Sunnah at every stage.

  • GLMCC strives to provide the community with the true and authentic teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. It is essential that such an establishment provides a funeral service that strictly adheres to Islamic law and the Sunnah of the Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him), Insha’Allah.
  • GLMCC provides numerous services for the community. GLMFS has been running for 13 years and is one of many available services for our congregation members and the wider community, Alhamdulilah.
  • The income generated from GLMFS goes back into the service to ensure it is sustainable and is run professionally for the benefit of the community.

The Team

Alhamdulillah, The GLM Funeral service is blessed to have a dedicated and professional team. The team consists of GLM staff and volunteer brothers/sisters who assist with the ghusl, transportation, and bereavement support. The service is managed by the GLM Operations Team, supported by the masjid Imams who lead the funeral prayer and offer Islamic guidance.


Excellent Customer Service

The GLMFS team strive for excellence always. We consider every family we serve to be our family. We aim to provide a dignified service during what is a very difficult time for the loved ones of the deceased.

Below is some feedback from GLMFS customers:

A very hard day for our family, but GLM funeral services made it a little easier, from arranging pick up of deceased from Bedford to ghusl, janaza and burial, treated us like family, may Allah reward you for your efforts

The team were accommodating and ensured that everything took place in accordance with the Sunnah.

We felt really looked after during this stressful time. Allah give you health and strength to carry out this good work for years to come.

Equipment and Facilities

GLMFS is an efficient and professional service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The following specialist equipment and facilities are included in the service.

Cold Storage

A cold storage facility is available which can accommodate six bodies at any one time.

Moving & Handling Equipment

The facility caters for the moving and handling of the body through the means of hydraulic and manual lifting apparatus and transportation trolleys.

Multi-Purpose Room

A small area has been provided which can be utilised as a private area for the family of the deceased.

Vehicle (Ambulance/Hearse)

Transportation is an essential part of a funeral service. Transport of the deceased is made through the means of a private ambulance or hearse.


According to the Islamic tradition and the Sunnah the deceased must be buried in a shroud. However, our imams have permitted for GLMFS to adhere to the rules and regulations of the local council which require burying the deceased in coffins/caskets at their cemeteries. A limited number of private cemeteries permit burials without a coffin/casket.

The Shroud (White Cotton Sheets)

Shrouding the body is obligatory based on the commands of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). GLMFS provide a plain thick white cotton material (non- transparent) to shroud the deceased.


Costs of the funeral will vary depending on the age of the deceased person and the burial location. Please contact us for more information.

Contact Information

Green Lane Masjid Funeral Service
20 Green Lane
Small Heath
B9 5DB

Telephone: 07582 762237 / 0121 713 0099



If you would like to volunteer with the GLMFS please contact: