
GLMCC run a community Foodbank three times a week for those who are in need. The Foodbank operates on a referral basis only and is registered with over 30 frontline support agencies. Over 6000 people have used the service since it was set up.

How does it work?

GLMCC will issue food vouchers to local organisations. They act as referral partners and give the vouchers to people whom they consider need food. The people then come to the Foodban where they exchange their voucher for food.

GLMCC will help anybody who needs support; the old, single people, young people & families from all backgrounds, religious beliefs and ethnic origins, without prejudice, GLMCC aims to treat everyone fairly & with dignity.


We would be happy to take monetary donations as well as food donations. Both can made at the Mosque’s Reception during office hours.

List of food types that can be donated;

Shopping List

  • Milk (UHT/powder, preferably semi-skimmed)
  • Fruit Juice (carton long life)
  • Pasta / Cooking Sauces
  • Fruit Squash
  • Rice/Sponge Pudding (tin)
  • Tinned Tomatoes
  • Cereal (preferably non-sugared)
  • Pasta/Rice/Cous Cous
  • Tinned Veg (carrots, sweet corn, peas, mixed)
  • Tinned Soup
  • Tea Bags (40’s/80’s), Coffee (small)
  • Potato (instant mash or tinned)
  • Tinned Fish
  • Baked Beans / Spaghetti
  • Tinned Fruit (in juice preferably)
  • Sugar (500g / 1kg)
  • Biscuits, Crackers, Crisp breads
  • Healthy Snacks (raisins, apricots etc.)
  • Tinned Meat (Halal only)

Shopping List (non-Food)

  • Can Opener
  • Wash Bag
  • Bowl
  • Mug
  • Set of Cutlery
  • Soap / Shower Gel / Bath Crème
  • Shampoo
  • Deodorant
  • Anti-bacterial hand gel
  • Tooth Brush / Toothpaste
  • Flannel / Sponge
  • Tissues (handy/handbag packs)
  • Nappies (all sizes)
  • Baby Wipes
  • Sanitary Towels (not tampons)
  • Toilet Roll
  • Shaving Gel / crème (not razors)

We need your help

We are looking for people who can set up collection points in Schools, getting students, parents and children involved in collecting food, toiletries and sponsorship. At work, have a collecting box, offer to bring the donations in or if you are looking to get involved contact GLMCC.

Opening Times

Wednesday: 11am -4pm
Thursdays: 11am – 4pm
Saturday: 1.00pm – 3.00pm


Green Lane Mosque Car Park,
20 Green Lane, Small Heath,
Birmingham, B9 5DB


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